Stem Cell Banking by Mitch Shah is a medical non-fiction book which takes us through the process of stem cell and its allied use and other aspects. To understand this, we would advise you to take a look around online ‘what is stem cell?’ And even if you miss, no worries this short and knowledgeable book will teach you all about it. This book tells us about the stem cell banking. How is it done? What are various types of it? And how to choose the appropriate bank for it? As per the researches, it has come out that the purest form of stem cell can be obtained from umbilical cord blood during the birth of a baby. The cord blood is an easily accessible source of stem cells than can be used in a variety of ways. Let’s see some of the fringe benefits of stem cell banking, as per the book. “In the stem cell banking and therapy and transplant, a disease-free new born is the donor of pure blood that can heal diseases or issues like”: Malignancies Bone marrow failure Haemoglo...
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