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Showing posts from October, 2019

Book Review: Stem Cell Banking by Mitch Shah

Stem Cell Banking by Mitch Shah is a medical non-fiction book which takes us through the process of stem cell and its allied use and other aspects. To understand this, we would advise you to take a look around online ‘what is stem cell?’ And even if you miss, no worries this short and knowledgeable book will teach you all about it. This book tells us about the stem cell banking. How is it done? What are various types of it? And how to choose the appropriate bank for it? As per the researches, it has come out that the purest form of stem cell can be obtained from umbilical cord blood during the birth of a baby. The cord blood is an easily accessible source of stem cells than can be used in a variety of ways. Let’s see some of the fringe benefits of stem cell banking, as per the book. “In the stem cell banking and therapy and transplant, a disease-free new born is the donor of pure blood that can heal diseases or issues like”: Malignancies Bone marrow failure Haemoglo...

Author Highlight: Samair Discusses his New Book ‘Lost’ and Stories from his Life

We are back with another author interview. Today, with us, we have Samair – the author of ‘Lost’. In this interview, he talks about his writing aspirations, inclination toward contemporary Indian literature, and the route to getting his book published. Stay on...while we chat with him. What inspired you to write this book? Any tales to tell… I wanted to write since 5 years. I was doing my final year MBA and one day it was raining. I was at the house sipping tea and cigarette and I just wanted to start and suddenly a story stuck me. I had just done my SIP presentation and felt a little bit worn, lost.  It was something unique.  Lost as a word is common to mostly everyone I have met. I thought of writing a novel on this notorious word. What made you to write a novel based on Love as a theme, and that too with a pen name? Pen Name because Aishwaray Singh Rajput, doesn’t stuck the right cord. There was another name, my nick name- Arth. But I wanted a name which was c...

Book Review: Between You and Me by Atul Khanna

Between You and Me by Atul Khanna is a brilliantly penned down non-fiction, which at large dissects the most delicate, insane, and important aspects of our Indian society. The wealth of a nation does not lie in the banks, but in the minds of people, and it subsequently affects the society in which they live and try to be progressive. When we say society, it’s just not the physical addresses or dwelling places where people roam around and live. Society is a big word – it is inclusive of history, past deeds, political and historical figures, financial ecosphere, bureaucracy, institutions, and much more. Aptly, the book starts with mythology era that existed even beyond the Indian subcontinents’ history. We see Eklavya and Karna. They might be remembered for their talent and sacrifice, but the ugly underlying fact is that they were victim of a fake societal system. How? The author expounds that they were extremely capable and talented but their lineage had no proper track. They ...

Book Review: Chats with God in Underwear by Eduardo Chapunoff

Chats with God in Underwear by Eduardo Chapunoff is a work of fiction, possibly with a slightly head-turning title. Well, inside the story, there is a lot of humour that will make you forget about the title’s contumely. The story kicks off with an extremely violent storm hitting the Atlantic Ocean. The magnitude of the storm is such that even giant ships and tankers cannot escape its wrath, but there is one man who is sailing smoothly and calmly. There has to be something special about him. Who is he? Any guesses? He is God. When he arrives alone at the beach in the aftermath of the havoc-causing oceanic storm, he meets a kind man named John, who lives nearby the beach. Both are strangers to each other. John finds solace and incredibility in so called God’s presence. Thus, he invites him to his sprawling house on the beach. Well, God’s earthly name is Rogelio. John gives him pajamas and underwear as a change of cloth. That’s how the title is set. When Rogelio poses himself...

Author Highlight: N. J. Kulkarni Discusses her New Book ‘The Hawa Mahal Murders’ and Stories from her Life

We are delighted to welcome a very talented journalist and novelist N. J. Kulkarni for a brief Q & A session at our website. Recently, her latest novel 'The Hawa Mahal Murders' was launched by the eminent Bollywood personality Javed Akhtar at the Pune International Literary Festival (PILF19). In this Q & A session, she will be talking about her writing aspirations, inclination towards contemporary mystery fiction, and the route to getting her novel published. Stay on...while we chat with her. Would you mind telling a bit about your novel – maybe in two or three sentences? The Hawa Mahal Murders is a story which satisfies your appetite for suspense, mystery, Bollywood, blackmail, love…and seduction. It’s entertainment. A fun read, a whodunnit without gore or horror. What inspired you to write this novel? Any tales... I used to live in an ordinary building in Mumbai, a building surrounded by the superrich. The idea took shape from the feeling of alie...

Book Review: The Hawa Mahal Murders by N. J. Kulkarni

How will you treat a novel if it reminds you of Agatha Christie's bestseller thrillers and mysteries? Simply, it is a treat! I have been reading suspense thrillers and murder and crime mystery novels since a long time that I can’t even put it vaguely. But still it takes me time to identify and decide whether I want to read the same author again or not. Well, not every time. Of course with Collin Dexter – I knew, midway, I won’t be coming again for him. If a thriller or mystery is slow-paced awfully with a lot of characters, well it’s a time-testing experience for me. I abhor that type. Anyway, lately I got engaged with a new thriller written by an Indian author. The book was launched by Javed Akhtar at Pune International Book Fair. I think that was enough to pick it up. I read it in three sittings, the last one was a bit stretched. What I got? Sheer joy and unforgettable experience. The novel was ‘The Hawa Mahal Murders’ by N. J. Kulkarni. Coming to the story, the pr...

Author Highlight: Ranjit More Discusses his New Book ‘God Chronicles #1: Of Swarga’ and Stories from his Life

We are back with another author interview. Today, with us, we have Ranjit More – the author of ‘God Chronicles #1: Of Swarga’. In this interview, he talks about his writing aspirations, inclination toward Indian mythology, and the route to getting his book published. Stay on...while we chat with him. What inspired you to write this book? Any tales to tell… I've always been a fan of Hindu mythology, or as I like to call it, the history of this solar system (you see, I'm a firm believer in the historicity of the Vedic literature). Add to that a decent knowledge of the English language, and it all came together very naturally. What made you to write a novel based on Swarga? I'd never planned to set the novella in Swarga. It just came along as I wrote. All those months spent reading the Srimad Bhagavatam (a scripture) came in handy as far as description of Swarga went. It's an alluring place, to say the least. I haven't described even half of it. There...

Book Review: Lost by Samair

Lost by Samair is a contemporary novel, part romance, part general. With optimum length and written in lucid narrative, this novel is going to charm the young audience of India any day. The story features Utkarsh and Kiara, with some more auxiliary characters in the backdrop. Utkarsh is a rich boy from a well-to-do political family. He has had a luxe time in Mumbai while pursuing his graduation course. And for his post-graduation study, he gets shifted to Indore in a mediocre college. Here onwards, the story picks up the pace as other characters, too, join him. It is a multi-narrative novel, and interestingly all the chapters start with a letter 'L', such as lips, love, lap dance, link, litter, and so on. The good thing about the book is that it has short chapters, which not only insinuates a curiosity among readers but also keeps the boredom at bay. Other than Utkarsh as a protagonist, the female lead is Kiara – ravishing and rich. Kiara and Utkarsh happen to be i...

Book Review: God Chronicles #1: Of Swarga by Ranjit More

Now and then, Indian mythological fictions are flocking the contemporary Indian literature arena, and these books are being noticed by huge masses, as they are rooted to our ethos and values, especially related to religions. So, today we have this amazing mythological fantasy fiction, God Chronicles #1: Of Swarga written by Ranjit More. It’s a first of its kind story featuring Swarga (heaven) as a backdrop. This short and crisp novella is about the world of devatas. King Indra rules Swarga, and he has set an invisible line as a barrier that no one dares to cross, and those who do, they are executed. The story kicks off with a young man who tried to get the water of Ganga falling from the sky to cure the leprosy of his ailing father (though he is a devata, but got cursed). And for that he had to cross that invisible line. But well before his plan could materialize, he was killed by the king. Is the king Indra a righteous devata? Does he think of the well-beings of all...

Book Review: And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie is undoubtedly the queen of suspense. And her novel ‘And Then There Were None’ is the world's best-selling mystery novel even today, which came out in 1939, with millions of copies sold. This book is a story of ten complete strangers accepting invitations for a stay on Soldier Island, off the coasts of England and cut off from the main world, by someone named U. N. Owen. Upon arrival they are not received by the host, instead by a butler and his wife. None of the characters know each other. All the guests notice that there is a framed copy of a nursery rhyme called, ‘Ten Little Soldiers’ in all of their rooms and also the centerpiece of ten Indian figurines mimicking from the poem. On their first dinner together a recorded voice accuses all of them of terrible crimes. The accusations are equally surprising as the guests include highly respected people, such as a judge, a doctor, and a former general. The story picks up from here, as immediately after ...

Book Review: And The Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini

If there are stories coming out of the enchanting wild of Africa, it is through Wilbur Smith. And if from Afghanistan, well it has to be Khaled Hosseini. The world-renowned author has previously penned down bestsellers like ‘The Kite Runner’ and ‘The Thousand Splendid Suns’. This is his third novel (And The Mountains Echoed), after a gap of around six years. Again, this novel is, too, back staged against the stony, windy land of Afghanistan. From the Hosseini’s novels, it stands out that this land knows nothing but hardship and tragedy and pain. "You want a story and I will tell you one," Hosseini begins and takes us to 1952. A father is telling his children a tale as old as time as they begin their journey through the deep valleys and majestic mountain towards Kabul. Pari, the three-year-old daughter, has an unusually powerful bond to his elder brother Abdullah. He has been her protector, a shoulder to rely on, and a source of happiness to each other all this t...

Book Review: Voting at Fosterganj by Ruskin Bond

Voting at Fosterganj is a short story written by Ruskin Bond. Before you get into the story, you must know that Fosterganj, a small dwelling place, is located in the outskirts of Mussoorie, where Ruskin Bond spent quite a time. He has also written a few more stories with Fosterganj as a backdrop. This story is about a day of civic elections i.e. people going to cast their vote for the local candidates. Devilal is the candidate whom the narrator supports and many others. And to win the polls, Devilal has arranged free taxi rides for the people to reach at the voting polls, so that none of his supporting candidates miss the eventful day. As the time comes, Ruskin gets into the taxi, and when it is passing through the bazaars, he describes the various buildings and factories that once vibrated heritage and hilly culture and the British Raj charm. But today they are in abeyance, unattended. One of the funny incidents is related to a brewery factory, as how it got shut down wh...

Book Review: The Four Hats of Leadership by Drake Taylor

The Four Hats of Leadership by Drake Taylor is an excellent book for honing up leadership skills. This short, yet comprehensive, book holds a different narrative by showcasing four types of hats (methods) that can optimistically change the course of any leader's or normal-sounding person’s career path or life, all the more, the book is highly relevant to the people working in the business and the corporate world. No matter, where you work or live, leadership is needed, even at your home to protect and guide your kids. So, given the opportunity, one should not shy away from gaining the skills from all possible sources, because true leadership is something that affects the humanity most – be it history or now. To understand this book, one needs to delve a bit deeper in the philosophy attached with each concept. Being a leader never means a towering personality and passing orders in a stern voice. To become perfect in leadership, one needs to wear four hats i.e. The Farmer’s...

Author Highlight: Abhay Adil Discusses his New Book ‘The 10K Bug’ and Stories from his Life

We are back with another author interview. Today, with us, we have Abhay Adil – the author of ‘The 10K Bug’. In this interview, he talks about his writing aspirations, and the route to getting his books published. Stay on...while we chat with him. What inspired you to write this science fiction? What really inspired me to write this story, unlike most of my other works, was a passing thought ‘If Y2K happened because used two digits to write years, what would happen in the year 9,999?’. So, I started to imagine and came up with a story that became ‘The 10K Bug’. Furthermore, at that time I was delving into galactic civilization and empire and wanted to try to write something like that.   Do you think AI is future and it can ruin the human existence? The future of AI is inevitable and will continue to grow, this in itself can be a good thing or bad depending on how we as a species handle it. Just like the atomic power, it is only as good as the application it is u...

Book Review: The 10K Bug by Abhay Adil

The 10K Bug by Abhay Adil is a short riveting science fiction. To write such a sci-fi novel, one needs to be highly imaginative and must hold a futuristic stance. And this novel has that punch. While reading you will come across new landscape, queer beliefs, a set of strange characters, and technology that is uncommon today. As the story kicks off, we see inter-galactic civilization. Remember Elon Musk and his company SpaceX. He often puts that he wants to make inter-planetary travel a common hobby for masses. In this novel, you will find humans and robots living together in the era of inter-galaxy civilization. But as a matter of fact, wherever you find humans, you will see the differences – so does here. There is a conflict between humans and robots. Arck is one such council of humans that demand total freedom from robots. As the story chugs on, you see that there are common issues faced by all such as storage of big data, etc. Well, the biggest problem is inevitable. T...

Book Review: The Diary of an Eccentric Ootian by Ronald Hadrian

The Diary of an Eccentric Ootian by Ronald Hadrian is a beautifully narrated story of a teenage boy, written in a diary format. The novella is back staged against Ooty, a beautiful hill station in South India. Though presented in a diary format, surprisingly the narration sounds like a continuous story without chapters. By all means the author managed to capture the beauty and the rebel factor of teenage. The events mentioned in the diary are of one year i.e. 2002 to 2003 – like one full academic year. Broadly, putting, in the diary runs a story of a boy. Recently, he passed his 10th exam and unclear about his next academic choice. Since he was good at English, he goes for Arts – then it was considered suitable for weak students. Those who have passed the school that time around 2002 to 2005, will be able to relate the equivocal pain and suffering of the narrator. The story also reflects many aspects of middle-class life where we see things are not smooth, such as financial t...