Lovers Observed: a Poem by Ruskin Bond Lovers lie drowsy in the grass, Sunk in bracken, swimming in pools Of late afternoon sunshine; All agitation past, they stay totally Absorbed in grass. Green grass, and growing from that place A sweep of languid arm still bare But for a lost ladybird. Anonymous lover brushes a dragon Fly from his face. Brief thunder blossoms in the air, A leaf between the thighs is caught And crushed. Love comes like a thief, Crouching among the bruised and broken clover. All flesh in grass. Summary of the Poem: A couple or say lovers lying idle in long grass. But their observed state makes someone lose the life. It is a ladybird, an insect, which epitomizes positivity, found in long grass like bracken. It’s a short poem, quite straightforward - and the poet emphasis that humans no matter what they do they cause some or little harm to the nature. In this poem, you see how lovers try to fly away that ladybird t...
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