A troop of Indian sepoys is sent to France to fight against Germans in WWI. In this military fiction Indian sepoys, part of the British army, are being prepared to participate in all wars that England will represent. As per religious beliefs crossing oceans is forbidden. Going by this relic, some soldiers are confused and angry while many are relishing as their dream to visit ‘Villayat’, means foreign land, has come true. As they advance gradually for the front – they come across to many new and thrilling experiences in France. Foremost in the list is that they are able to enjoy bits of life abroad and native people and French officers aren’t treating them like poor or wretched soldiers, the way they are treated back in their country. Interestingly, except Subh a junior officer and also a son of an officer, no one knows that they are prepared to jump in the battlefield to die first hand. Lal Singh also called ‘Lalu’ by his senior soldiers is ...
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