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Showing posts from July, 2022

Book Review – Master O: An Epic of the Future by Dhiraj Singh

Master O: An Epic of the Future by Dhiraj Singh is a futuristic suspense thriller with an exciting cast of characters. The novel is purely a work of fiction, laced with high-level imagination. Despite everything new in it, the core essence of the plot deals with political turmoil and chaos following some experiments went untoward. Though the novel has many characters who nudge its story ahead, yet Master O is matchless. He is charming. He learnt the deepest secrets of life that a normal human can never think of. He is like a godman with an ability to be present at many places at the same time. In fact, most of the characters are intriguing, with fascinating sweeps. Ake is a topmost TV anchor in the country but his past of being a porn actor haunts him when it came out through one of the Ibharis. The nation is facing conflict against trouble makers. The enemy is powerful. But who? They are Ibharis. They are elephants that can think way better than humans. They are equipped with some...

Book Review: The Land of Ataraxia Genesis by SS Merce

The Land of Ataraxia Genesis by SS Merce is a super fabulous fantasy thriller full of action, adventure, with amazing people and places. The novel is set in some fictional Elswyth Sea, in fact, the entire book is highly imaginative and fictional. The novel follows a story of ship named Caelesti Viatrix and its crew. Right since the beginning, you will get to know the rich battle history of the ship and its heady hip-hop culture. The author took all efforts to create an ambience in the ship. As famous as folklore, their ship is legendary. Its wooden floor was unmarked by rotting blood or sword marks from a battle unlike ships that usually sailed the Elswyth Sea. It could have been better if the author has given a character list or map of places right at the beginning, yet you can manage them if read carefully. Most of the crew members like Kai, the captain Magellan hails from the Land of Prisca. They are out in the sea to find some person named Sinan. As the ship trundles throu...

Book Review: Comprehensive General Knowledge Ready Referencer 2022 by B R Leelashree

The subject General Knowledge plays a critical role in clearing the competitive examinations. Whether one is preparing for state and central government jobs or MBA, having equipped with substantial GK is always a plus point that keeps candidates abreast. Online or offline, the market is abundant with scores of GK books from new to established publishing houses. Thus, it becomes a tough decision for a candidate as what book to opt, and what not. Because investing time in a right set of books is important and fruitful for them. Comprehensive General Knowledge Ready Referencer 2022 by B R Leelashree is one useful, highly relevant book for students. It’s a GK reference book that students can use any time in their preparation. The great USP of the book is that it covers static GK, rather than the current affairs. It’s a 750 pages + book, which can help in a gamut of competitive exams, for instance: RRB, SSC, IBPS, RPF, SPSC, GK for Olympiad NTSE, Quiz for school, college, KBC, a...

Book Review: Diary of a Whimsical Lover by Gaurav Sharma

Diary of a Whimsical Lover by Gaurav Sharma is an interesting love story that moves at its own pace, shunning away all the interpretations of the readers. It’s neither tragic nor intense…yet manages to be a riveting read! The storyline is about Gaurav and Maya. The former is an introvert, trying to be something, and a writer. He likes Maya, the younger daughter of Mrs. Caul. It all started when I first saw you at Mrs. Caul’s birthday party. The novel explores the proposition of romance in life when an individual is busy managing their life and implementing priorities. No doubt both characters are sweet, intriguing, self-obsessed still highly likeable. They both were on the same wavelength but there was something unpredictable about Maya. The scene at the post card counter was hilarious, the guy buys a postcard to send her, but she refuses all scope for surprises. Gaurav is mature and coping in the realistic world, he is receptive about her love but at the same time filled with ...

Book Review: Land of Mine by Saurav Dutt and Satwant Singh Johal

Something that started as a normal-looking farmers protest grew into a movement that snatched attention from international media. It looked clear that the Indian government overshot the intensity of the protest. “This is what happens when you live in a bubble. It’s unprecedented; they are going to make the government blink.” In democratic countries, protesting is a normal chore but in India it grew to a whole new many-layered movement like we studied in history about India’s struggle for freedom. The powerful novel ‘Land of Mine’ by Saurav Dutt and Satwant Singh Johal crawls in the Indian farmers protest camps with a set of characters that come from diverse background and regions. There is a cluster of people – many in the form of farmers protesting against the government’s 3 laws that can debilitate the India’s agriculture sector so that some corporate players can cash on the opportunity – and there are some from the government’s side like Delhi police trying to stop them by bea...

Book Review: Made in Future by Prashant Kumar

Indeed a story of marketing, media, & content for our times. It’s a high-value book for people involved into understanding businesses, media houses, online and offline marketing, and much more. However, the book is a treasure for marketing professionals, as like other fields are changing, so the marketing landscape is bound to change. The author Prashant Kumar is a veteran from the marketing field. His work goes back to dot com era, where he experimented and learnt a lot before commencing Entropia, now a part of Accenture. The book is not a cakewalk; it’s heavy at many places, yet beneficial for its discerning readers. As a matter of fact, whosoever wants to be updated with marketing insights and secrets, need to pick up this book at the first opportunity. The book’s language, analogy, graphs, charts – is all class, of international standard. Prashant has delivered very important lessons and tricks using simple language, with relevant examples, yet the field-jargons are rampa...

Book Review: 5000 Years Back by Neetika Maheshwari Kasat

What happened between Arjun and his charioteer Lord Krishna during the battle of Mahabharata? Did they converse about various dos and don’ts? It was their conversation that forms the essence of Bhagavad Gita. In a sense, it was a timeless conversation. During Mahabharata, Arjun was hesitant to kill his cousins and their army. He was in dilemma about duty, outcome, Karma, and so on. He was brought to light from ignorance by Lord Krishna, who was siding with the Pandavas. Based on similar limelight is Neetika’s novel ‘5000 Years Back’. It’s neither a chunk from Mahabharata nor a retelling. It’s a contemporary and very light novel, with illustrations, inspired by Hindu Holy Scriptures like Fifth Veda. The novel is full of light content and relevant illustrations. As the story opens, Yudi and his brothers dive into the past life. The lead characters of the novel are Aarj and Duro. Yudi and his brothers are cheated by Duro in family business. They were rendered poor and helpless. To t...