No Dead Air by Larry Rifkin is an engrossing career memoir of the author. Larry chronicles the events of his life associated with radio and TV hosting and broadcasting. Owing to his father’s legacy of radio broadcasting and hosting, the child Larry of 1960s was considered a radio brat. He had that radio legacy lineage running so deep in his blood, also his father’s influence on him was so much, that he couldn’t think of any other career. He was reckoned himself as a ‘radio station born’. The title ‘No Dead Air’ at first sounded confusing for people not much into radio and TV broadcasting. However, as I Googled it, I got it’s about silence that falls during a radio or TV show. The more I chugged ahead with the book, I found ‘Larry Rifkin’ a person full of media wisdom, personal stories, and anecdotes from his radio shows where he was either a host or associated with programs. Down the memory lane, life is like a trough and crest of bitter sweet memories. Larry’s indulgence and involve...
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