Happimess by Biswajit Banerji is a collection of 13 extraordinary short stories about ordinary people. The book is a short read; however, at times the wit and humour is so deep routed that the underlying meaning may take time to be grasped in a right manner. Just two pages… and I got that hunch that the language of the book is of international standard. The author has used a good cast of vocabulary. Someone with very good command over the English language may go crazy with these stories. Terrifically placed with an immaculate dose of wit, hilarious moments, and surprising twists. As I delved deep in the book, I could feel that the stories were neither rocket science nor tumultuously imagined, they were simple, like everyday occurrence. The author has great observation powers to weave a book on simple idiosyncrasies and peculiarities of people. I am sure there must be some people around his life – some of the stories sound spiraling off his experiences. The stories sound connected b
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