Mrignayani Ka Shaap by Kundan Kumar is a riveting collection of nine short stories spanning across various crime noir genres. From folklore to archeological discoveries to family lineage to ulterior motives and revenge to cold-blooded murder for greed – the book fulfils these aspirations of discerning readers. All stories mostly set in North and Central India leave an indelible charm as one chugs ahead. The book turns out to be a terrific page turner. The author has maintained elements of thrill and suspense, another good point is that none of the story is self-managing and closing. Most of them are investigated and solved by police cops. Crime patterns and motives keep this book stand tall from other mediocre thrillers, it is in Hindi, but its essence flourishes like as someone is reading international authors like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie. Author Kundan Kumar leveraged the local customs, people, and traditions to spin tales in tumultuous and riveting ways. In stor
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