The Great Indian Bust by Rishabh Bhatnagar is a coming of age fiction, with traces of autobiographical notes in it. The novel is completely fictitious in its narrative, and with the plot and settings, but still as a reader one can make out that the author has a life that is evident all throughout the storyline. The author has brilliantly provided preface to every backdrop, be it Delhi NCR, or Mumbai, or some other place. This worked fine as while reading one does not feel lost in the rigmaroles of the story. This novel is a kind of compound work – no specific them – but still a lot has been covered and seemed converging to one point. And that point is the protagonist Sidharth’s life. He is the center of all that is going in the story. The novel kicks off with the story of his grandfather and his grandmother. Later, it gets near the lives of his father and mother, and their collective struggle to raise their children. So, basically this is a story of a family and a boy. As y...
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