Khaled Hosseini's books are known for evoking emotions and breaking heart as they are so powerful with their themes and stories. The author shot into fame immediately after his first novel ' The Kite Runner ' that delves deep into the political and cultural landscape of Afghanistan. That book took us to that time when this small country, laced with natural beauty and peace-loving people was dragged into the battlefield by Soviet first and then it was Taliban that robbed whatever seemed to be left out. The nation is still in pain and humanity seems like a joke over there, in fact wherever there is war humanity goes for toss. Subsequently, in his later books, 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' and 'And the Mountains Echoed', the persistent theme that we see is the lives of Afghani people. He has well-represented the plight of his people. Now coming to his fourth book, that recently got released, Sea Prayer is about the pain and suffering of refugees f...
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