The Girl with a Secret Crush by Sudha Nair is a very short novel, about thirty-two pages, available only on Kindle. The purpose of this book is to present readers with short and crisp, yet interesting, romance story. With the help of Kindle publishing, the trend of publishing short and effective novella-like stories is taking the right direction. Much famous name is Preeti Shenoy . Well, coming to this story, we see it is a story of Malini, first. She is quite alone in life, works with a small publishing house, and loves her cat. No friends, no boyfriends, no social life, no other drama life. She has this plain life. But she loves the novels of a very famous author Vikram Mathur. She even loves him secretly, and Vikram has no air about it. Well one day, the equation changes when her senior goes on vacation and she picks up the call of Vikram, who was furious at her senior. Soon, she is sent to meet Vikram to suggest him something with his novel’s characters - he was fac
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