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Showing posts from July, 2024

Book Review: Trust Stabbed Brutally by Maria Leena Christina. D

The cover page of the novel is so epic that it narrated most of the story right in the cask of my subconscious mind. A young woman being pierced by arrows of dishonesty, broken promises, betrayal…mistrust yet she has got that sword of perseveration and revenge. Made all sense! The premise of the novel is not new but depicts that it’s a grappling issue in our country, especially with new-age young lovers and couples. Rajani, the lead character, is a teacher by profession but her only mistake is that she got in relationship with a guy younger to her. She did that in sheer love, like love at first sight. Probably, she thought that love is so cool and easy and accessible. However, her world of dreams was shattered in thousand pieces when the trial of broken promises, betrayals, and mistrust back seated and dejected and debilitated her, puts on her shame-like situation among her family and society. The boy’s name the author has given as per his bad deeds: Swindler. It is a woeful story of...

Book Review: The Fall of an Empire by Abhijeeth Hiliyana

This is the third and last book in Krishnadevaraya series. A strong historical fiction with impeccable narration, The Fall of an Empire will surely leave an indelible mark on readers following the series. The timeline of the book stretches from 1565 to 1580. Vijayanagara Samrajya is now a full good kingdom; they have achieved a lot in terms of peace, land, wealth and so on. The kingdom is still reeling under the glory of Krishnadevaraya’s legacy. However, before his death he placed the throne in his brother’s hand; however, it should be handed to his son-in-law Ramaraya. Ramaraya is the lead character of the novel. He is old. He has done a lot for the kingdom. Old enemies are back. The Bahamani Sultanate from Deccan is now looking to take over Samrajya. Ramaraya has a few friends from Sultanate as they fight among themselves and he helped quite a few one to sort the things out. Well, they have united against the mighty Vijayanagara. What will be the fate of kingdom this time? Can an ag...

Book Review: 1942 When British Rule in India was Threatened by Krishna Kumar

How did India get independence from British Rule in 1947? This question, even today, at large remains unanswered. There have been many books and mentioning of freedom fighters and their struggling tales but none runs away with full credit. It will be a mystery then, and now, and forever. India’s freedom struggle dates back to medieval time when the East India Company was setting up and the Mughal Rule was dying. Author Krishna Kumar attempts to solve the puzzle by highlighting the watershed year 1942 through his books that broadly examines Subhash Chandra Bose, INA, and Japanese power…collectively they undermined the roots of British in India so much that the Raj was staring at defeat not only in India but also in the WW-II. Though the book only 169 pages, ironically it encompasses encyclopedic information about the events of the deciding year 1942. Not only the events of 1942 but the narration also underlines the historic events like the rebel of 1857 and what led East India Company...

Book Review: The Greatest Battle of Culture by Panigrahi Bethi

“Civilizations come and go; they conquer the earth and crumble into dust; but faith survives every desolation.” The above quote, to an extent, defines one of the major themes of the historical novel, ‘The Greatest Battle of Culture’ written by Panigrahi Bethi. Staged against the Indus Valley civilization in the era of 1500 BC – the novel subtly but poignantly explores as how cultures, heritage, and mindset of people shape any civilization. The novel discusses the interaction and subsequent fate of two famous civilizations that existed along the Sindhu River: Harappans and Aryans. Both existed there. However, Harappans were leading, with a system of proper irrigation, tall buildings, development, and equal rights to women. On the other side Aryans, slightly clever with tenacity, were outsiders and underdeveloped before Harappans. Aryans claimed to be good with knowledge of Veda and Varna system. Philosophically, musically, and artistically they were abreast than the powerful but...