Jack Reacher is neither a wanderer nor a soldier. Once he was into the US army working as a military cop. But still he loves cracking down the ocean-deep crime mysteries. Six bullets and five people, of random origin, die in a public square. The news is everywhere and the city recoils in terror shock. However when the police come to the site, a trail of evidence leads them to James Burr, an ex-military sniper. Once looked a case of terror and complex felony is now proving to be an average case. James Burr gets into the jail and is soon brutally beaten up owing to a jail fight. He firmly says: you have got the wrong guy and get me Jack Reacher. Jack Reacher gets into the city after watching the news and his name being propped out from nowhere. He meets the cops and Alex Rodin, the defence lawyer handling this case. Bitter memories from Kuwait enforce him to see James Burr punished and perished. 14 years ago they both were in the military, out in Kuwait, where James had shot...
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