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Showing posts from November, 2019

Author Highlight: Mostyn Heilmannovsky Discusses his Books based on Cryptids and Paranormal Stories

We are delighted to welcome a very promising author, Mostyn Heilmannovsky from Austria, for a brief Q & A session at our website about his much talked about books on Cryptids and Paranormal Stories . In this Q & A session, he will be talking about his writing aspirations, inclination towards Gothic horror and Vampire literature, and the route to getting his books published. Stay on...while we chat with him. It has been heard that you have a novel based on Vampires coming up soon? What is it and when is it coming? It is a novel about Vampires and the Vervum, werevampires, a species, whom I have created. These two species and many others, which mainly reside in the Vervum world, are fighting against two orders, who want to take over the world and the Vervum world. These orders are called the Order of the Blood and the Order of the Shadow(s). The story of the novel depicts the war between good and evil, where a girl by the name of Vesela plays a crucial role. She is ...

Book Review: The Smart Balance by Ankita Aurora

Change is a law of nature. Well, the question is, have we really changed for good in this digital era? We are living a different life today – it is not the same that was a few decades back. There is no charm left for basic and tiny things, seems like excitement and attention has dried up. But why? The reason behind all this is digital smart technology. Smart phones, laptops, tabs, PCs and smart wearable, in fact a whole new world is here. A smart world – laced with smart technology. But, we, as humans, are becoming smart as well? The answers differ from one person to another. If you think your answer is a big Yes, well then you need to think it over. And this time you also need ‘The Smart Balance’ by Ankita Aurora, a non-fiction, part self-help, and part user guide. For its essence and the issues it concerns, it’s a beautifully researched and written book. The book highlights that we are living 2.0. Yes, it’s not the same simple life which our ancestors lived or left the ...

Book Review: My Neighbour Osama Bin Laden by Yslar Tatuky

My Neighbour Osama Bin Laden is a head-turning title. Written by Yslar Tatuky, he claims it to be a first hybrid novel. Backstaged against the charming and the lush verdancy of Okriba, a town in Georgia, Europe; the novel has more to offer than a relative story about the world’s once most demanded terrorist – Osama Bin Laden. It’s unusual to find four consecutive introductions in a novel. But some or other way, that made sense in developing a sense of love for the novel. Since it’s a hybrid novel, we think it has its own slices to be shared among a host of readers. The novel is full of stories within stories – though it is not a collection of short stories. It commences with introductions – the author tells us what he thought on the day when the world celebrated the news of Osama’s demise. Further, he takes us to the beauty of Svaneti, he experiences a life-changing alpenglow, and then we see his family roots and history, which is as interesting as intriguing. His ancestors ...

Author Highlight: Connor Royce Discusses his New Novel ‘Don Roberto's Daughter: Natasha’ and Stories from his Life

We are delighted to welcome a very promising novelist Connor Royce for a brief Q & A session at our website about his recent novel ‘ Don Roberto's Daughter: Natasha ’. In this Q & A session, he will be talking about his writing aspirations, inclination towards contemporary romance fiction, and the route to getting his novel published. Stay on...while we chat with him. Would you mind telling a bit about your novel – maybe in two or three sentences? This novel is closely based on a true story. It is the love story that I lived while watching my beautiful young wife fighting for her life against the ravages of brutal disease. What inspired you to write this novel? Any tales... I was often asked about how I met my wife, and when I told the story I kept hearing, "It sounds like a romance novel." I finally decided they were right and abandoned my other writing project to focus on this one. Do you think that cross-border rules cause trouble for co...

Book Review: A Thread So Fine by Susan Welch

A Thread So Fine is an apt title and an evocative story of two almost inseparable sisters: Shannon and Eliza. When the story kicks off, they are chirpy teenagers, all excited for college and romance. However, fate has something different in store for them. The sisters with their family lives in St. Paul, Minnesota. Shannon is around eleven months elder to Eliza. However, it is Eliza who is keen to achieve higher sense of achievements in life i.e. education and career. Simply, she is too ambitious for a traditional society like St. Paul. On the other hand, Shannon would love to emulate her sister, but Eliza overwhelmingly cares for her. As the story chugs ahead, Shannon suffers from severe tuberculosis, subsequently she is hospitalized for ten months in isolation and undergoes many surgeries. Finally, she is saved from the deathbed. On the other side of the story, Eliza begins dating David. But well before their story could reach a point of culmination, she is being assau...

Book Review: Silhouette and Other Poems by Tasnima Yasmin

Silhouette and Other Poems by Tasnima Yasmin is a short collection of poems, mainly featured around the contemporary themes of the modern world. The book has on offer 24 poems, capturing various topics about your lives’ humdrum existence and moments in cogitation. The collection starts with Kaput – this poem brings out the brutality of the commerce world, as how is something captured and destroyed and then turned into a piece of merchandize to benefit a few. Probably, the poet tried conveying that we humans have been exploiting the mother earth for more than that we need. It’s time to stop all on the name of business. Next in the collection is ‘School Days’, a happy poem which inevitably reminisces golden days of many. Whether the poems are about technology, relationship, or any random subject; a kind of tenderness is evident throughout. At every juncture, all the time, each poem tries delving deep into some strange sort of abyss. Yes, in many poems the themes run dark, ...

Book Review: A Collection of Interesting Encounters with Cryptids by Mostyn Heilmannovsky

Reading a horror genre book is quite common nowadays, but how many times did you ever stumbled upon a book that overwhelmingly grips you with so much thrill that you go amok. Probably, you don’t remember exactly, or very rare as it happens. Well, today, on the similar lines, we have a book on the review: a collection of 18 stories. It is A Collection of Interesting Encounters with Cryptids written by Mostyn Heilmannovsky . The book is not only innovative in its semblance, but also gripping with its all stories, providing excellent coverage on Cryptids: a kind of bipedal hairy species found and seen very rarely, like once in a millennium. In fact, science says that nothing like Cryptids exist in the world, however, this brilliantly penned down book by Mostyn says it otherwise. Mostyn takes us to the dark places and lonely forests where myths rule over the facts about Bigfoot (also called Sasquatch), Dogman, Vampire (in the last story), Troll, Werecats, Yowie, Skinwalker...

Book Review: Yes Sir I Killed My Dad by Anuj Tikku

Earlier Anuj Tikku would be a common face among TV serials, commercial ads, and movies. Many people have been known him, as he was into Bollywood for some time and gained good fame in less time. But do you know the inside story, as why he is not today so present there, what shook him, what put his life upside down, and much more? If you are curious enough, well, then his recent short novel – Yes Sir I Killed My Dad – will unfold all your curious questions. Narrated into a biographic tone, it is a terrific account of a son telling the story of his beloved father who got murdered brutally, and after that Anuj was framed for it. What could be worse for a son than that? Let’s get a bit into the story. Like any other upper middle class family, Anuj Tikku was, too, a part of the happy living life. He was studious. Did his MBA and working for a big company. He was married as well. But soon his dream to make a place in Bollywood begin rattling his roots. Leaving Delhi and his fam...

Book Review: Falling In Love Again (Stories of Love and Romance) by Ruskin Bond

Ruskin Bond, the man who noticed those dusty roads, fresh flowers drenched in sun rays, water dripping off the leaves, gushing through the rivers and the heavenly smell of earth after the first rain before anyone else. He noticed it all when we failed and decided to make us walk through all of it in a blink of an eye like he always does. That's the power he holds, the true magician who needs no introduction. 'Falling in love again' is one of the finest amalgamations of romantic tales, poems, and novel extracts gifted to us by the eternal lover, Ruskin Bond. The title resonates with the author's vivid memories of the emotion of love, as well as with the cover of the book. What's more beautiful than an oodles of butterflies and flowers to signify this distinct charm of emotion called 'love'? This book revolves around a collection of short stories taking us, the reader into a pure, innocent world. A world full of longings, promises and tiny fl...

REALCE DE UN AUTOR: Eduardo Chapunoff discute su reciente novela “CHARLAS CON DIOS EN CALZONCILLOS” y nos cuenta sobre su vida

Estamos encantados de dar la bienvenida al Doctor Eduardo Chapunoff,  FACP, FACC y Jefe de Cardiología del Doctor’s Medical Center, in Miami, Florida para una breve sesión en nuestro website sobre su reciente publicación. En esta sesión de Preguntas y Respuestas, el hablará sobre sus aspiraciones literarias, su inclinación a las obras de ficción espiritual contemporánea y lo que lo condujo a la publicación de esta obra. No se vayan y observen la conversación… Podría Usted decirnos algo sobre su libro – si es posible, en dos o tres sentencias? Pienso que lo que nosotros escribimos expresa sentimientos y pensamientos que comenzaron a explorar nuestra mente desde el primer día que nacemos, y quién sabe, pudieran remontarse al pasado más distante. Nuestros genes (que heredamos de muchas generaciones) trabajan laboriosamente para determinar qué tipo de persona llegaremos a ser. Pensamientos sobre Dios ocupan la mente de todos los humanos, incluso la mente de ...