At times a few novels come that take you away with its flow. You just want to be with it, no matter how engrossed or lively you are with characters or the story. There’s something charming about the backdrop and flow of the events or some idiosyncrasies of lead characters. ‘Ripples of Eternal Love’ by Pravin Pandey is one such book. By its semblance, it looks like a story of a boy who experiences a lot around the river of his village. However, in its core essence the novel is purely riverine with the river Swarnrekha as one of the silent protagonists. “I was reminded of the name of this river that keeps rolling endlessly – Swarnrekha. I turned to look at the golden stretch of water through the corner of my eyes and realized how perfect the name was!” “Swarnrekha literally stands for ‘streak of gold’. When I looked at the river, it was dazzling in all its glory.” The story features a teenage boy, he is silent (probably nameless), and lives in a village with his family....
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