Seva Sadan was the first novel of Munshi Premchand, it was first written in Urdu as Baazare-e-Husn (the market of beauty). But, its Hindi version got published first. The story starts with a very common social scene: an honest police officer finds himself unable to marry off his elder daughter, Suman, to a good family because of hefty dowry demands and his financial limitations. So, he tries corruptive ways to obtain enough money so as to play his responsibilities towards his two daughters, instead he lands up behind the bars. After a series of misfortunes, his elder daughter – Suman - finally gets married to a poor man (that’s done by his uncle). Suman is not accustomed to live in abject poverty; and also her husband is not a nice man as he doubts on her character. Amid shaky understanding, the marriage looks a bleak bond between them. And then one day he throws her out of the home. For some days, she manages to survive on roads and here and there, in Vanaras. Seeing her lo
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