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Showing posts from October, 2024

Book Review: Odyssey Dima Hasao & Autonomous Council by Ramu Upadhaya

The writer Ramu Upadhaya hails from Assam, he has witnessed the making and working of Autonomous District Councils in Dima Hasao , earlier known as The North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council (NCHAC). Recently famous as Dima Hasao Autonomous Council , through this book the author educates people about this region and sheds light on how autonomous district councils (ADCs) work in collaboration and interaction with state and mini secretariat and other governing bodies. The North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council (NCHAC), also known Dima Hasao Autonomous Council, is a self-governing district council in the state of Assam, India. It was constituted under the provisions of the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution of India to administer the Dima Hasao district and to develop the hill people in the area. Its headquarters is in Haflong, Dima Hasao district. Reading this book gradually powers up your understanding on mechanism of autonomous district councils. The author pinpoints at many places i...

Book Review: Murder at Khatri’s by Nisha B Thakur

Short! Fantastic! Brilliant! The best of Nisha Thakur culminates in this novel of murder mystery genre. Offbeat than the normal fast-paced thrillers, this hits you differently. Lalit, the father of Manya, whose broken marriage with Vihaan is on the tenterhooks, calls him to his mansion in Uttarakhand to settle the things once and all. Well, before the old man could utter a word, he dies unceremoniously. The property is for Vihaan…Manya gets nothing. The other side of the story has Anica and Vihaan living in Mumbai, not married but together. As the duo arrives at Kasauni, the place of Khatri’s mansion, Anica is shocked to see the family history of everybody, including Vihaan. She feels out of place. At the outward Vihaan is seeking divorce from Manya but inwardly a lot more is sizzling and no one can guess it till the end. It is not a love triangle sort of novel with thrillers in between, yet love is a competent theme in it. Love is the reason behind all devils…even the slow gradual m...

Book Review: Deforested by Ravi Deviah

“Deforested” by Ravi Deviah is a riveting pandemic thriller. It will surely remind readers of the recently bygone Covid pandemic. The receptive theme of the book stirs an alarm that pandemics may come again and it can behave like the gone Covid. Well, this book is staged against a new virus called CNY. It is not like Covid yet its reach and ramifications are of that extent. Generally, books on pandemic dig deeper in the history of the region and involve a lot of characters, however, Ravi has superbly chiseled a fast-paced moving story without creating a long list of characters that could confuse readers when they flit pages from one chapter to another. The time is post Covid. The world is hardly settled for goodness. And this new virus that seems to have originated from lab due to deforestation that rendered monkeys homeless is spreading gradually. Navya and Vikas – a young childless couple – moves to their estate house, away from the crowd of the city. The tension in the air builds ...

Book Review: Infrequent Frequencies, Rare Resonance by G.E. Poole

Infrequent Frequencies, Rare Resonance by G.E. Poole is a transcendental book that covers an array of topics that could sound heavy and distant to normal readers. However, its core soul is a blend of psychology, spirituality, science, sociology, and philosophy. It has many perspectives that can shift a reader’s thoughts on human nature, cosmos powers, existence, history of human evolution, religions, resonance theory of consciousness, frequencies, vibrations, and much more. The scope of the book is beyond the ordinary vista of common human. It requires attention, slow reading, and one should also keep Googling terms for better understanding. Despite its arteries into many subtopics, the book’s phenomenal focus culminates on consciousness pertaining to vibrations, resonance, and frequencies. Even in spirituality and science all these terms are connected and have profound weight age on existence, nature, and shaping of destinies. It can be observed that Poole involved and played the sc...

Book Review: Came to Right the Wrong! Never RIP by A.R. Felcita

“Came to Right the Wrong Never RIP” by A.R. Felcita is a super exciting novel in the blending genre of supernatural and paranormal. The stretch of the storyline traverses between centuries from 19th century of British Era to modern day. Paul Benedict is the lead character with the background in the army. The book posses many a significant yet controversial questions: does a soul live across many centuries? Are souls immortal unlike human bodies? Do they live century after century to fulfill their worldly revenges and desires? Can they harm humans? Well, Paul is the inheritor of his ancestors’ property in the village Thisyan. Upon his attorney’s request he visits the village but finds there everything clumsy and life-threatening. The author has described his ancestral haunted home in such a way that even a known accomplice will fear entering it. The house was closed since many years…many of its dwellers died eventually including Paul’s father. The house is overshadowed and surrounded ...