On a Stroll by Nikhita Rao is a collection of twenty-one light and easy-to-read poems. Her poems are diverse in nature and capture the essence of raw emotions, flitting shades of life, and putting a ken observation of people she stumbled upon.
The theme of “Life and its colours” is evident yet subtle throughout the collection. Someone said it right that poems are beautiful representation of our lives, culture, and values. In accordance with that Nikhita paints her world of thoughts and experiences in finest, rich, textured tapestry of wordsmithing.
As mentioned in the blurb, the poems occurred to her while she is walking or strolling...Probably that is the best me-time for all of us. We get access to higher level of thoughts and imagination, however, a fewer poetic soul captures those precisely to come with a collection of prose and poems. She has got an amazing poetic mood and sense. Readers could sense that from the free-flowing contemporary life-oriented collection. This is one such a gem of collection that easily draws readers in without pricking their intellectual canvas.
Beautifully crafted with no over brimming of emotions or intriguing thought patterns. The language is simple, and some content or lines from each poem can be used on social media to decorate one’s image. Some of the poems are profoundly thought-provoking…for instance the poem “Misery” states that people always complaint about things that disturb them or contemplate what they do not have…instead it should be opposite…we must celebrate what we have and gathered and built in our life.
“A Leaf’s Resolve” is a short poem on one’s determination to face the odds in life. Short and crisp but high on message. At times a few poems inclined towards the darker themes; otherwise the book is a great source for inspiration, zest, and the power of life-changing poetry. Highly recommended for newly developed love for poetry, it is one of the best books to stir interest in poetry.
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