A Walk in My Shoes by Ritesh Karnani is an interesting light romance novel that routes through a medley of subthemes such as friendship, emotional heartbreaks, family bonding, betrayal, love, and many more aspirations that define the college life spell.
However, the core essence of the story is romance, which is relayed through its protagonist Rounak. As the novel begins, Rounak and his cousins land up in Jaipur to pursue engineering degree. Much part of the novel sheds light on struggle of students that leave home. Rather, it comes as a package for them…they have to search paying guests, hostels, rooms and flats, and have to do all dealing and bargaining with landlords, and also have to arrange for food and hygienic restaurants.
Rounak is pursuing engineering, almost for four years. He grapples with logistics issues all these years. Yet he is a brilliant student. As life embraces him in the college, Soumya becomes his best friend. They run into many errands and come out together. Bike riding, outing, assignments, smoking…they do it all…and for sure it will revive many readers’ college days’ nostalgia.
But how did the story start? Rounak is well settled in his life, family business. One fine day his wife Mishka discovers his old tee-shirt which had reminisces of his college life. She insists on knowing his college life, especially love affairs.
With no girl in his sight for affair in the college, Rounak commences chatting with Pooja, his school mate who is pursuing engineering from other city. They go on well initially but long distance relationships aren’t that smooth as it sounds. Pooja blames him for cheating. Rounak couldn’t justify his part. They break. Story ends.
On the other hand, his best friend Soumya is casual with girls. Flirting, breaking their heart, and leaving them is common for them. One day his ex Manali calls Rounak for help. They call and talk…gradually develop feelings for each other. Initially Soumya is least bothered, as they grow close…he is not only jealous but also ends his friendship.
Rounak chooses the girl over friendship. What next? The quirk of fate!! Will the couple see the heydays or something else is stored for them? As the story nears end, it becomes intense.
No doubt it’s a college life love story, yet the storyline is substantial and moves at measured pace. The author penned down four years of engineering brilliantly, with vivid description of college life nitty-gritty. There is humour and heart in equal measure. The author explores many vagaries of life through young characters with grace and maturity. The novel sounds real and credible, never a farfetched tale of heartbreak.
Buy from Amazon/Kindle.
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