Charm, thrill, and innocence – it can only be found in children’s books. Even more if it’s written by a young mind! The Mystery of the Phoenix by Jigisha Singh is a way lovely book, for children, by a child author. She is a fifth grader. The story of the book takes reader on a magical journey that is filled with suspense, drama, wizards, elves, witches, supernatural elements, and so on.
The lead character is a little girl named Iris. She attends Alastrian School of Wizardry on Mount Aden. Her school will surprise readers; it isn’t a normal like ours. There the students are learning higher forms of magic and wizardry. The setting of the book is altogether in a new world. Transmutation, flying classes, magical forces and that amusing naturopathy class, where the kids learn to make potion for cure by leveraging the powers of Mizzet flowers. If the combination goes wrong it either turns poisonous or blows up.
Iris makes some friends in her school house Fenix. She and four come to know about their magical abilities when they hear strange noises that others cannot. As the story moves ahead, the mystery of a phoenix and a snake with a ruby on it dawn on the four and Iris. They leave no stone unturned to solve it. Why the phoenix and snake residing in their school, in their dormitory. Why elves are not chasing them? What is the significance of that ruby on snake head?
It is a complete amalgamation of vivid imagination and superb narration with some illustrations that make the storyline compelling. With magical forces around the corner, embark on a magical journey with Iris and her friends. A magnificent children’s books with pictures, coloured themes, and the short content compliments the beautiful illustrations…overall a charming book for toddlers, kids, children, and parents.
She is participating in Young Author Fair conducted by Bribooks platform. Let’s support her by buying a copy of this book from Bribooks. Jigisha Singh is a proud DPS Rohini, Delhi student. She is an avid reader and a multi-talented and multi-dimensional creator – be it painting, sketching, story or poetry writing, and writing is her biggest passion.
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