Bouquets & Brickbats by Kanagiri SN Prasad is a very meaningful book that brings forward the though-provoking blogs and articles of the author that he wrote for various sources over a period of time. The content of the book deals with social, economic and political concerns of the state and the country.
The book reflects the diversity of a free thinker. Mr Prasad was into teaching and administration for a long time. He is aware of the drastic changes and issues that the society is going through. Through his writing, he puts forward his views and thoughts in a crystal clear way. The book tries to paint a picture of our society and existence based on insights, facts, analysis, and stats. On any topic, be it related to school or governance or corruption and so on; Mr Prasad has provided an in-depth analytical stance.
It’s a work of non-fiction, mainly a compilation of blogs and articles from different niches. It’s evident that the book is neither interconnected nor provides coherent commentary. It is rather diverse in its essence. Many readers may find the book random or abstract but a keen look will provide that the author is trying to pitch an idea of peaceful and harmonious society. The book is segmented into four sections.
The first section is a bit lengthy but comprehensive. Initially, it actuates discussion on education in the state Telangana and India as a whole. The author being an educationist sheds good amount of knowledge pertaining to the grim reality of education in India. The chapter ‘Primary Education in India’ briefs us about Right to Education (RTE) and Education Bill in a lucid way. The next chapter ‘Closure of Government Schools’ sheds light on the importance of government schooling over the private system. The author is of the opinion that primary education should be feasible and made available to children of age group between 6 to 14 for equal opportunity of growth in life. Further, the author reports issues on closure of schools, absence of toilets, and child labour concern. He also talks about medical and engineering college admission system and how it affects the overall scaffold of education ambience in the country. The coverage on higher education is full of realistic and holistic pointers. The author explained as why Indian students should chose to study here than abroad.
As one chugs ahead in the book, Mr. Prasad has covered views on a gamut of issues but also provided pointers that can be used as solutions. If you are someone who keeps vigil on modern social and political and economic patterns, then this book is for you. Kanagiri SN Prasad is not only a responsible but also a conscious citizen. From the book, it is clear that he has done a lot of work towards the betterment of the society and wants others to fall in his footsteps.
Mr Prasad’s way of writing is simple and easy-to-understand. The clarity and prudence of his thoughts make this book highly readable, and other than that it can be used for research purpose. The author has exposed a layer of society that is often ignored by commoners.
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