The Blue
Umbrella by Ruskin Bond is a popular novel featuring Binya and her elder
brother Bijju. The novel revolves around Binya and her little beautiful blue
umbrella; however we also see some other interesting characters like, Bijju,
Ram Bharosa, and a boy named Rajaram.
In this post,
we are going to talk about Bijju, the third main character of the novel.
Bijju’s real name is Vijay Kumar, but in the foothills of Himalaya it is a
custom to call people by their nicknames, for Binyadevi it is Binya, and for
Vijay Kumar it is Bijju.
Bijju is a
twelve-year-old boy and wears a leopard claw in his neck like his younger
sister Binya, who is ten years old. Though we see that there is good
understanding and love between sister and brother, still they differ in their
temperament. Binya is kind to the cows Neelu and Gori, while Bijju is a bit
hot-tempered boy. For this reason, whenever it’s dark he herds the cows
vehemently for home. On the other hand, Binya and Bijju share viands to each
other. This is evident when Bijju shares his blue berries with Binya. Also,
they often visit Ram Bharosa’s small shop to buy toffees or something to eat.
Another aspect
of Bijju is that he goes to school every day that shows he is responsible and
takes interest in education. Like Binya, or say some other hilly children,
Bijju too is a fearless boy. He is not afraid of darkness, dark jungles, wild
animals, snakes, and he is totally immune bees. Four years ago he broke down
one beehive, as a result he was stung be bees all over his body. Since that day
he’s become immune to bees.
Coming to his
social responsibilities, he tills lands during monsoon to sow rice. When he is
not going school during rainy season, he sells milk to a few people in the
village. Binya and Bijju are fatherless, and Bijju is aware of this fact
somewhere. He never does anything that troubles both his mother and Binya. He
does not shy away from taking care of his mother and younger sister. When
Rajaram, the boy who works for Ram Bharosa, steals and tries to run away with
the blue umbrella of Binya, it’s Bijju who chases him and gets the umbrella
Though the
novel is based around Binya and her beautiful blue umbrella, Bijju’s formidable
character provides back support to the overall story.
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